“Hypnobirthing enabled me to trust my body and understand that although my birthing journey would be ‘what it would be’, that I would calmly approach whatever turn my birthing journey would take. “
Victoria, Peaceful Birthing Mother
I initially had a fear of child birth, but when I fell pregnant, my fear dissipated quickly. I feel this was partly due to having booked my husband Alex and I into hypnobirthing as early as 7 weeks into my pregnancy. Because this was something I was sure I wanted to do, I felt a sense of empowerment even before beginning the course.
“Studying hypnobirthing really helped me to feel confident about my ability to calmly birth our baby. It also allowed us to learn from others and have our questions answered.“
I practiced my hypnobirthing meditations and affirmations daily. Alex helped me with the affirmations and would read to me as I drifted off to sleep.
When my waters spontaneously broke 7 weeks early, with no indication throughout the pregnancy, I remained calm and firm in the belief that everything was going to be ok.
“Hypnobirthing enabled me to trust my body and understand that although my birthing journey would be ‘what it would be’, that I would calmly approach whatever turn my birthing journey would take.”
The birthing suite was dimly lit as we played music and affirmations throughout my 24 hour labour. Eventually I asked for gas. By this stage I was 7cm dilated. At last, our baby boy Edward was born into the world.
I felt like Wonder Woman.
Alex and I were overjoyed and filled with so much love for our baby.
Welcome earthside baby Edward!