“I work with women who want to avoid feeling exhausted and overwhelmed, who are seeking peace and joy in the transition to motherhood.”
In essence, I explore early parenting with the new mother from a lens of supporting her needs, so that she can feel resourced enough to better meet the needs of her child.
Motherhood can be more intense than childbirth, so while the mother is busy supporting her child, I am supporting her.
What Does a Postpartum Doula Visit Look Like?
Birth Debrief
It’s common for parents to crave a deep dive into their birthing journey, particularly if there was a significant diversion from birthing preferences.
As the Postpartum Doula, I hold space for both parents to do this.
Giving voice in a safe space can help explore any negative thoughts or perceptions of what happen during labour and birth, and how you each felt.
It’s then easier to focus on parenting rather than continuously analysing the birthing experience.
Discussion of Motherhood
We discuss these topics, or whatever is coming up with you, in a safe, judgement free space.
You may have feeling of guilt or shame such as
- missing your ‘old life’
- not wanting to leave your baby with anyone else
- realistic and unrealistic expectations of your baby
- feelings of anger directed at your baby
- feeling like you are trapped/touched out
- differing parenting styles with your partner
- challenges or changing dynamics with family members or friends
- sleeping or breastfeeding challenges
Exploring Matrescence
The transition from maiden to mother can feel intense. Often, more intense that childbirth.
It’s called Matrescence.
It’s the physical, psychological and emotional changes mothers experience after the birth of their child
Perhaps you feel a loss of identity.
Maybe the entire world feels different, what was important to you before doesn’t have the same appeal.
The pull and push of wanting your baby close, and also craving space
As a Postpartum Doula I can help navigate this transition with more ease and joy.
Top Three Challenges
It can be useful to discuss the most pressing challenges as a new parent with someone who is neutral to any outcome or discussion.
Each visit we have an open, honest discussion about the top 3 immediate priorities.
As a Postpartum Doula, the aim is not to save the new mother. She can do that herself.
By providing a safe space for her to talk, bounce ideas, perhaps have a cry, question perceptions or beliefs and find evidence based information, we can often come up with ideas to relieve the pressure in ways that best suit that family.
What would bring the most joy in that visit
Each visit will vary.
- Perhaps it’s a nap
- Maybe a walk alone
- A shower
- Some gentle movement
- Preparing meals
- The dishes cleaned
- A coffee or time alone with your partner
- Washing folded
As a Postpartum Doula we discuss what would bring you the most joy and make that a reality.
For more information, click on the link
I’d love to support you in a your parenting journey.
Simone x